Preis Discus Minerals 1kg


Preis Discus Minerals sup­ple­ment osmosis water and soft tap water with the required amount of trace elements and minerals and com­pensate any imbal­ance. They thus help avoid con­di­tions res­ult­ing from insuf­fi­cient con­cen­tra­tions of these sub­stances, such as fungus-stricken eggs, crippled off­spring and darkened colors of your aquarium dwellers.

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Preis Discus Minerals supplement osmosis water and soft tap water with the required amount of trace elements and minerals to osmosis water. They thus help avoid conditions resulting from insufficient concentrations of these substances, such as fungus-stricken eggs, crippled offspring and darkened colors of your aquarium dwellers. Preis Discus Minerals provide an easy professional remedy to mineral deficiencies. Discus Minerals is also perfect for water treatment for viviparous species and Malawi and Tanganyika cichlids. The product is free of sodium chloride, thus avoiding uncontrolled increase of conductivity. Viviparous species tend to develop fungus infections and other diseases when the water is too soft. Preis Discus Minerals helps you create a healthy environment for these species. Preis Discus Minerals + enhances the readiness to breed + prevents fungus infections of eggs and skin + enhances the growth of young fish + prevents enppling of gills, tail and fins + contains only pure minerals that your fish need to thrive + easily soluble product which turns osmosis water and soft tap water into aquarium water Dosage Preis Discus Minerals: for osmosis water use 15 g for 100 litres of osmosis water for soft tap water (up to 5° dH) use 10 g per 100 litres of water for medium hard tap water (6-10° dH) use 5 g per 100 litres of water for viviparous species increase the dosage by 10 g

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